What we do
Della Aynsley - Rotary Club of Cooroy Queensland
Facebook - 05 May 2022

"Thank you Rotary from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful new washing machine!
My old one was inundated in the flood and was living on borrowed time.
I am forever grateful for your support and help. Thank you so much 🙏"
I would like to thank you officially for all your wonderful physical support at the Bunnings sausage sizzle on Sunday. As usual, without help we would not have been able to have such an event. It is not only your physical support that means the world to me, but also your confidence in and love for the Pomona State School Chaplaincy Program. Whilst you have no grandchildren at the school, I know I can always count on you to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in.
Yesterday was a huge success, we are still working at counting the funds raised and will let you know when we arrive at the amount.
Finally, your coming together on the day really hit home to me about how very important Rotary is to our community, and to each one of your members as a solid group of people all working as one to improve the lives of individuals in our community.
I feel as though I have known you all for a very long time. I will be expressing the importance of Rotary, and in particular, Early Act (that has now been at our school for approximately 6 to 7 years) to the school community yet again this week. The children at Pomona are so blessed to have you all.
A big thank you to Chris, for loaning us the float, the BBQ tools, the 'wiggly things' and the eskies.
Blessings and thanks again to all.
Chappy and the kids
Charities and good causes we have supported: -
Rotary Youth Driver Awareness |
Rotary Foundation |
Sunshine Butterflies |
Cooroy State Emergency Services |
End Polio - We're this close |
Rotary - University of Sunshine
Rotary Shelterbox |
National Youth Science Forum |
Rotary International Exchange Students |
Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment |
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards |
Australia Rotary Health |
Swags for the Homeless |
Cooroy Family Support Centre |
Rotary Australia World Community
Black Mountain and Tinbeerwah
Hear and Say |
Friends of Noosa Botanical Gardens |
Duke of Edinburgh NDSHS |